Chapter 4 Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions

Chapter 4 Key Terms

actual yield

amount of product formed in a reaction


chemical species of interest

balanced equation

chemical equation with equal numbers of atoms for each element in the reactant and product


device used for the precise delivery of variable liquid volumes, such as in a titration analysis

chemical equation

symbolic representation of a chemical reaction


number placed in front of symbols or formulas in a chemical equation to indicate their relative amount

combustion analysis

gravimetric technique used to determine the elemental composition of a compound via the collection and weighing of its gaseous combustion products

complete ionic equation

chemical equation in which all dissolved ionic reactants and products, including spectator ions, are explicitly represented by formulas for their dissociated ions

end point

measured volume of titrant solution that yields the change in sample solution appearance or other property expected for stoichiometric equivalence (see equivalence point)

equivalence point

volume of titrant solution required to react completely with the analyte in a titration analysis; provides a stoichiometric amount of titrant for the sample’s analyte according to the titration reaction

excess reactant

reactant present in an amount greater than required by the reaction stoichiometry

gravimetric analysis

quantitative chemical analysis method involving the separation of an analyte from a sample by a physical or chemical process and subsequent mass measurements of the analyte, reaction product, and/or sample


substance added to the sample in a titration analysis to permit visual detection of the end point

limiting reactant

reactant present in an amount lower than required by the reaction stoichiometry, thus limiting the amount of product generated

molecular equation

chemical equation in which all reactants and products are represented as neutral substances

net ionic equation

chemical equation in which only those dissolved ionic reactants and products that undergo a chemical or physical change are represented (excludes spectator ions)

percent yield

measure of the efficiency of a reaction, expressed as a percentage of the theoretical yield


substance formed by a chemical or physical change; shown on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation

quantitative analysis

the determination of the amount or concentration of a substance in a sample


substance undergoing a chemical or physical change; shown on the left side of the arrow in a chemical equation

spectator ion

ion that does not undergo a chemical or physical change during a reaction, but its presence is required to maintain charge neutrality

stoichiometric factor

ratio of coefficients in a balanced chemical equation, used in computations relating amounts of reactants and products


relationships between the amounts of reactants and products of a chemical reaction

theoretical yield

amount of product that may be produced from a given amount of reactant(s) according to the reaction stoichiometry


solution containing a known concentration of substance that will react with the analyte in a titration analysis

titration analysis

quantitative chemical analysis method that involves measuring the volume of a reactant solution required to completely react with the analyte in a sample


Chapter 4 Key Terms Copyright © by Nicole Bouvier-Brown; Saori Shiraki; J. Ryan Hunt; and Emily Jarvis. All Rights Reserved.

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