Congratulations! You worked hard over the last two years and have arrived at your capstone fieldwork experience … internship. This will be a very rewarding portion of your training because during this year you will further integrate what you KNOW with what you DO on a full-time basis. However, more than ever, this year has the potential for pitfalls and challenges. This digital book has been created to further clarify the 3 major internship assignments and support your success. They are: (1) Activity Log; (2) Domain Activities; (3) Year 3 Portfolio.
Each chapter in this intern digital handbook is composed of modules which contain a series of questions for you to respond to. This format is designed to reinforce the details of each assignment. After responding to the questions in the modules, take a screenshot of the results and send them to your instructor as documentation of completion. These directions are repeated at the beginning of each of the 3 chapters.
Additional details about each assignment and further opportunities for you to ask questions will be provided in the internship seminars during the academic year.