
Chapter 3: Year 3 (exit) Portfolio

Introduction: This chapter contains 2 modules with review questions about your Year 3 (exit) portfolio, which is an extension of your practicum portfolio that was created in Livetext.   Format for the internship portfolio essentially follows the same structure as your practicum portfolio.

Additional directions about this portfolio are found in your Internship Candidate Handbook and Internship seminar syllabus.  You will have opportunities to ask questions during Internship Seminars.

Directions:  Begin with question 1 in each module and complete all the questions. After each question, click on the arrow to move to the next question.  A summary of your results is available at the end of each module.  Take a screenshot of the results from each module send them to your instructor to document your completion of this module.  After all questions are completed, take a look at the video from an alumnus who will give you some tips about completing the portfolio.