
Choosing your OER Tools: A Tool Look Book

4.7 H5P for Formative Assessment

Theresa Huff

Using H5P for Formative Assessment

What is a Formative Assessment again?

Formative Assessments are opportunities for your learners to play with, reflect on, or practice new content. It’s usually low-stakes or not graded at all, and it can be done in your classroom (turn-and-talk), in your online classroom (discussion posts), or in your OER course materials (see below).

This section will highlight H5P that your learners can use to play with, reflect on, or practice the new content in your OER. Each of these support engagement by offering interactivity alongside low-stakes, repeatable practice of key concepts. This can help learners build confidence and fluency. Look under each tool for more examples, how-to guides, how it supports UDL, and any issues with accessibility.

H5P Tools for Traditional (and Alternative) Formative Assessments

Most Learning Management Systems (LMS) have traditional types of review capabilities (multiple choice questions, true/false, etc.) built into them. H5P offers each of these types of practice and alternatives to these types of practice as standalone interactions or within one of the more complex H5P types such as the H5P Course Presentation below. Take a look through the slides to see the various traditional types of review available.

Traditional H5P Tools: Fill in the Blank, Single Choice Set, and True/False    Alternative H5P Tools: Drag and Drop, Drag the Words, Mark the Words, and Summary

What is this tool? – H5P Course Presentation

H5P for Image-Based Formative Assessment

Sometimes learners need to be able to identify, relate, or order information using images. This section offers a few H5P that allow learners to do just that.

Supports UDL Action & Expression, and UDL Representation

H5P Tools: Image Choice, Image Pairing, Image Sequencing

Image Choice H5P

More examples of Image Choice H5P

Image Pairing H5P

More examples of Image Pairing H5P

How To guide for Image Pairing H5P

Image Sequencing H5P

More examples of Image Sequencing H5P

How To guide for Image Sequencing H5P


Note: The Image Sequencing may have accessibility issues.  

Sustainability: H5P is built into Pressbooks and is therefore easy to update or share. However, the H5P Team is not actively maintaining this tool.

Image Hotspots


More examples of Image Hotspots H5P

Note: The Image Hotspot is accessible if alternate text is added. H5P allows creators to add alt text into the Metadata of this tool. 

Other H5P for Formative Assessment

There are so many ways to practice and play with new information, and the method of practice varies depending on the type of content and the end objective the learner will be expected to do. This section offers a few more options to consider for your OER.

Supports UDL Action & Expression and UDL Representation

H5P Tools: Flashcards, Quiz, Arithmetic Quiz, Sort the Paragraph, and Speak the Words

H5P Flashcards

This tool allows you to create a set of images alongside questions and answers. Learners type the answer and can get immediate feedback to build fluency and review concepts.

More examples of Flashcards H5P

H5P Sort the Paragraphs

This tool allows you to create practices over sequenced or ordered concepts. Learners can practice ordering things like steps in a process, blocks of code, or sections of a research paper.

More examples of Sort the Paragraphs H5P

H5P Quiz (Question Set)

This tool allows you to create a sequence of review questions with various question types. In a H5P Quiz, you can vary between Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, and Drag and Drop questions. This type is ideal at the end of a chapter or if the questions build from one answer to the next. It can include text or images.

More examples of Quiz (Question Set) H5P

How To guides for Quiz (Question Set) H5P

H5P Speak the Words

This tool allows creators to require spoken answers of the learner. For some instruction, learners need to practice speaking or may need an alternative to typing an answer. 

More examples of Speak the Words H5P

Note: this tool only works on Chrome browsers. It also may not accurately assess words spoken with an accent or other variability.

H5P Audio Recorder

While H5P Speak the Words can be used to give immediate feedback to learners who are required to practice spoken content, H5P Audio Recorder can be used to record spoken content by the learner. The learner can then download and turn in the recording to their instructor or keep the recording for themselves.

This H5P can be found in Module 15 – La planète from Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 202 by Boise State University.

More examples of H5P Audio Recorder

H5P Multiple Hotspots

Hotspots are usually used for self-guided exploration of content. However, you can use H5P Multiple Hotspots to offer self-guided practice, too. In the H5P Multiple Hotspots below, learners can practice identifying the nuanced use of French adjectives.

This H5P can be found in Module 04: L’identité from Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook for French 101 by Boise State University.





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Open Voices, Just Choices: OER for Social Justice Faculty Handbook Copyright © by Karna Younger and Theresa Huff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.