
Chapter 3: Portfolio in Livetext


The Year 2 e-portfolio is created online using LiveText.  Reflections, artifacts, reports of evidence of impact the candidate’s interventions [had on children, teachers, and parents], as well as mentor evaluations provide documentation of:

  • learning from coursework and fieldwork
  • development of skills, knowledge, and professional dispositions
  • cumulative growth over years 1 and 2 in the program

Training and on-going support are provided throughout year 2 on the technical elements of developing the e-portfolio.


Complete all questions in each of the 3 modules, using the arrow to navigate from question to question.  Take a screenshot of each of the completed modules and forward to your instructor for documentation of completion of this activity.  At the end of this chapter is a short video of an alumnus sharing tips on developing and maintaining the e-portfolio as a creative and professional demonstration of your professional growth.