
2 Journals, Letters, Correspondence, and Personal Papers

Beale, E. F. “Correspondence from Beale, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Lea Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 11/22.,” 1852. 

“Cease and Desist Work on Project at Father Serra Park in El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument without Legal Review and Public Participation,” December 3, 2009. http://www.cityprojectca.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Demand-Letter-El-Pueblo-Father-Serra-Park-20091203-final.pdf.

Dady, J. “Correspondence from Supt. Of Mission Indian Agency, Dady to Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 3/29. 1937.,” n.d. NARA. LN, Central Classified Files, box (14), folder (4). {Holdings at National Archives and Records Administration/Laguna Niguel}

Harrington, John Peabody. “Indian Tribes Found by Me at the Tejon in Nov. 1905,” 1905. BANC FILM, 1022, Reel 13. Holdings at UC Berkeley Bancroft Library.

Henley, W. “Correspondence from Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Manypenny, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.  12/18.  1855.,” 1855. NARA, M234, roll 35. {Holdings at UCLA}

“January 4, 2011, NAHC Letter to the Los Angeles County Coroner,” January 4, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20160227001549/http://www.cityprojectca.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/NAHC-to-LA-Co.-Coroner.pdf.

“January 6, 2011, NAHC Letter to the Los Angeles County Coroner with Related Attachments,” Jaunary 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20160227001551/http://www.cityprojectca.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/NAHC-LA-Plaza-Cultura-y-Artes-Correspondence-20110107.pdf.

“January 7, 2011, Letter from County Supervisor Gloria Molina to the Native American Heritage Commission,” January 7, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20160227001555/http://www.cityprojectca.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Supervisor-Molina-LTR-to-NAHC-20110107.pdf.

“January 7, 2011, Letter from LA Plaza CEO Miguel Angel Corzo to the Native American Heritage Commission,” January 7, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20160227001557/http://www.cityprojectca.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/LA-Plaza-Corzo-to-D-Singleton-response-01-07-11.pdf.

Jauro, J. “BIA Reimbursable Sales Ledger.  6/20.  1917.,” 1917. NARA LN, Sacramento Agency, Landless Indians.    {Holdings at National Archives and Records Administration/Laguna Niguel}

Kroeber, A. L. “Continuity of Indian Population in California from 1770/1848 to 1955,” n.d. NARA DC,  Docket 31, box 551.  1955.  {Holdings at Calif. State Library Calif. History Room, Sacramento}

Los Angeles City Council. “Los Angeles City Council Meeting Minutes.  1832-1846,” n.d. Los Angeles City Archives, Vol 2, 1832-1846.  {Holdings at C. Erwin Piper Technical Center, Space 320, Los Angeles}

Micheltorerana. “Land Grants in Los Angeles.  1843.,” 1843. Bancroft Library, F 862.  1 M45.  {Holdings at UC Berkeley Bancroft Lib.; Univ. of Calif. Southern Regional Library, Los Angeles}

Mission Indian Agency. “Condition of California’s Indians.  1953.,” 1843. NARA DC RG 46, US Senate 83rd, Congress, Sen 83A-F9, Committee on Insular and Interior Affairs.  Box – Calif Hoopa #47.  {Holdings at National Archives and Records Administration/Washington, D.C.}

Rios, Mrs. Paul. “Correspondence from Mrs. Paul Rios to BIA.  10/10.  1930.,” 1843. MIA, Correspondence Relating to Enrollment of California Indians, Box 102.  {Holdings at National Archives and Records Administration/Laguna Niguel}

San Gabriel Mission Residents. “Petition to Pio Pico Signed by 100 Gabrielino.  2/20. 1846.,” 1843. Bancroft Library, BANC MSS C-A 31, Archives of California Bancroft Papers.  {Holdings at UC Berkeley Bancroft Library}

Sherman Institute. “Sherman Institute Student Registers.  1892-1960,” 1843. MICRO-FILM 1121 California.  California State Library.  {Holdings at Calif. State Library Calif. History Room, Sacramento}

Smiley, A. K. “Smiley Commission Report.  12/29.  1891.,” 1843. A. K. Smiley Public Library, Redlands, CA.  {Holdings at Smiley Public Library, Redlands}

United States Congress Committee on Insular and Interior Affairs. “Report – House Resolution Authorizing the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs to Conduct an Investigation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  12/15.  1952.,” 1843. E 93 U583re 82d– YRL.  {Holdings at UCLA (Young Research Library; Law Library)}

Wheat, T. W. “Correspondence from Wheat to Ellis, Mission Indian Agency Sup. 10/19. 1930.,” 1930. NARA, LN RG 75, Mission Indian Agency, Correspondence Relating to Enrollment of CA Indians, Box #212.  {Holdings at National Archives and Records Administration/Laguna Niguel}


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