
47 Protests, Activism, Popular Political Movements, Resistance, Conflicts

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Chan, Erin. “Museum Files Suit to Block Its Ouster by School District; Land Use: Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified Wants Site for Special Education Program. Historical Society Says It Has Nowhere to Go.” Los Angeles Times. July 18, 2002, Home Edition edition, sec. California; Metro Desk. Access through LMU. Find at your local library.

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Doherty, Shawn. “Gabrielinos Join Battle Over Barrington Plaza Zoning: Tribe May Join Westside Activists in Effort to Block 23-Story Development. They Cite Historical Significance of Underground Springs.” Los Angeles Times. October 24, 1991, sec. Westside; PART-J; Zones Desk. Access through LMU. Find at your local library.

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