
66 Sacred Sites and Places

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Herold, Ann. “Water Power: A Springs Sacred to the Tongva Indians May Finally Be Restored.” Los Angeles Times. July 27, 2003, sec. Magazine. Access through ProQuest.

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Ringelstein, Austin. “Galleons, Temples, and Beads: An Investigation of a Colonial Archaeological Assemblage from the Tongva Village of Nájquqar at Two Harbors, Pimu Santa Catalina Island, California (CA-SCaI-39).” California State University, Northridge, Anthropology, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/172979. Find at your local library.

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Torres, Craig, Cindi Alvitre, Allison Fischer-Olson, Mishuana Goeman, and Wendy Teeter. “Perspectives on A Selection of Gabrieleño/Tongva Places.” Accessed April 28, 2022. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=4942348fa8bd427fae02f7e020e98764.

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