
Gravesites, Human Remains, and Physical Anthropology

Ballona Wetlands

Altschul, Jeffrey H., Jeffrey A. Homburg, Richard Ciolek-Torrello, and James E. Ayres. Life in the Ballona: Archaeological Investigations at the Admiralty Site (CA-LAn-47) and the Channel Gateway Site (CA-LAn-1596-H). Technical Series / Statistical Research, no. 33. Tucson, AZ: Statistical Research, 1992. Find at your local library.

Chadwick, Alex. At Playa Vista, a Controversy over Indian Remains. Radio. Day to Day. NPR, 2007. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9940767, archived at https://perma.cc/ABK8-TZR7. Access through LMU.

Martell, Carrie Ann. “Sa’angna: Tongva Perspectives on Development of the West Bluffs and Ballona Wetlands.” M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 2004. Find at your local library.

Cal State Long Beach

Edwards, Andrew. “Ceremony Memorializes Reburial of Indigenous People’s Remains at Cal State Long Beach.” Press Telegram, September 22, 2016. https://www.presstelegram.com/2016/09/22/ceremony-memorializes-reburial-of-indigenous-peoples-remains-at-cal-state-long-beach/, archived at https://perma.cc/EY9E-DCHM. Access through LMU.

Williams, Lauren. “Is CSULB Really on an Indian Burial Ground?” DIG MAG, March 3, 2008. https://www.digmaglb.com/dig-magazine/1405/culture/is-csulb-really-on-an-indian-burial-ground, archived at https://perma.cc/LE7A-STE9.


Bonner, Diane F. “Geoarchaeology at the Arco Burial Site, Carson, California.” In Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, 13:142–53, 2000. https://scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.13BonnerD.pdf.

Bonner, Wayne H. “Human Burials.” In Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, 13:154–61, 2000. https://scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.13BonnerW1.pdf.

Casgraux, Douglas. “Indian Holocaust: Archeologists Discover 50 Ancestors at ARCO Refinery.” The Ojibwe News. December 18, 1998. Access through LMU. Find at your local library.

Christy, Juliet. “The Arco Bead Assemblage: A Glimpse at Exchange in Relation to Environmental Variability.” In Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, 13:177–81, 2000. https://scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.13Christy.pdf.

“DNA from Indian Burial Site May Prove Gabrielino Heritage.” The Associated Press State & Local Wire. May 18, 1999, BC cycle edition. Find at your local library. Access through LexisNexis.

Frazier, Sara. “Protohistoric Burial Practices of the Gabrielino as Evidenced by the Comparison of Funerary Objects from Three Southern California Sites.” In Society for California Archaeology Proceedings, 13:169–76, 2000.

Luhnow, Glennda Gene. “Arcofacts: Interpreting a Late Transitional Burial Assemblage at the Arco Site, Carson, CA.” In Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, 13:162–68, 2000. https://www.scahome.org/publications/proceedings/Proceedings.13Luhnow.pdf.

Merl, Jean. “Workers Unearth the Unexplained: Archeology: Finds at Burial Site in Carson Show That 50 Gabrielino Indians Died Violently but Mysteriously.” Los Angeles Times. December 11, 1998. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Channel Islands

Altschul, Jeffrey H., Jeffrey A. Homburg, Richard Ciolek-Torrello, and James E. Ayres. Life in the Ballona: Archaeological Investigations at the Admiralty Site (CA-LAn-47) and the Channel Gateway Site (CA-LAn-1596-H). Technical Series / Statistical Research, no. 33. Tucson, AZ: Statistical Research, 1992. Find at your local library.

Kerr, Susan Louise. “The People of the Southern Channel Islands: A Bioarchaeological Study of Adaptation and Population Change in Southern California.” Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.


Klunder, Jan. “‘Lost Village’: Archeologists Dig Up Indian Site in Encino VILLAGE: Discovery of ‘Lost’ Indian Site.” Los Angeles Times. October 8, 1984, sec. Valley. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Langenwalter II, Paul E. “Ritual Animal Burials from the Encino Village Site.” Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 22, no. 3 (1986): 63–97. Find at your local library.

Lerner, Patricia. “Of Relics and Rancor: Lost Village of Encino’s Artifacts in Legal Limbo.” Los Angeles Times. October 9, 1988, sec. Part II. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Huntington Beach

Barboza, Tony. “Remains Indicate Key Indian Site, Some Say.” Los Angeles Times. February 28, 2008, sec. California. Access through LMU.

Carcamo, Cindy. “American Indians Ask State to Revoke Developer’s Permit.” Orange County Register, June 2, 2008. https://www.ocregister.com/2008/06/02/american-indians-ask-state-to-revoke-developers-permit/.

———. “American Indians, Developer Reach Agreement on Human Remains.” Orange County Register, February 5, 2009. https://www.ocregister.com/2009/02/05/american-indians-developer-reach-agreement-on-human-remains/.

———. “American Indians Lose Fight against H.B. Developer.” Orange County Register, November 14, 2008. https://www.ocregister.com/2008/11/14/american-indians-lose-fight-against-hb-developer/.

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———. “Ancient Burial Ground Gets National Designation.” Orange County Register, August 6, 2009. https://www.ocregister.com/2009/08/06/ancient-burial-ground-gets-national-designation/.

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———. “Tribes Clash over Remains at H.B. Homes Site.” Orange County Register, March 31, 2008. https://www.ocregister.com/2008/03/31/tribes-clash-over-remains-at-hb-homes-site/.


Nguyen, Tina. “Chief Unhappy With Reburial of Tribal Artifacts: Culture: Juaneno Leader Scolds Irvine Co., Although Other Observers Have No Complaint.” Los Angeles Times. November 28, 1996, sec. Orange County. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Los Angeles

Adelman, Jacob. “Dozens Protest Excavations – Native American Concerns Campo Santo – The City Project.” The City Project: Equal Justice, Democracy, and Livability for All, January 10, 2011. Access through Internet Archive.

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Behrens, Zach. “American Indian Board Wants L.A. Museum Project Stopped.” KCET: Social Focus, January 8, 2011. Access through Internet Archive.

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Garcia, Robert, and Ramya Sivasubramanian. “Rest in Peace: Ancestors Finally Return to El Pueblo.” KCET: History & Society, May 11, 2012. Access through Internet Archive.

Hackel, Steven W. “Digging up the Remains of Early Los Angeles: The Plaza Church Cemetery.” Southern California Quarterly 94, no. 1 (March 19, 2012): 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1525/scq.2012.94.1.5. Find at your local library.

Hall, Carla. “La Plaza Developer Looks to Allay Critics: Groups Have Voiced Concerns about the Removal of Skeletal Remains from the Site.” Los Angeles Times. January 14, 2011, sec. Latextra. Access through ProQuest.

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“January 7, 2011, Letter from LA Plaza CEO Miguel Angel Corzo to the Native American Heritage Commission,” January 7, 2011. Access through Internet Archive.

Madigan, Nick. “Developer Unearths Burial Ground and Stirs Up Anger Among Indians.” The New York Times, June 2, 2004, sec. Section A; Column 1; National Desk. Access through LexisNexis.

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Misson Viejo

Pinsky, Mark. “A Rare Indian Skeleton Sanctified.” Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1987, sec. Orange County. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

“Shaman Sanctifies Rare Indian Skeleton.” Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1987, Orange County Edition edition, sec. Metro; 2; Metro Desk. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Newport Beach

“Indians to Protest Damage from Development in O.C.” Long Beach Press-Telegram. October 4, 1999. Find at your local library.

Orange County

Langenwalter, Paul E., and Kevin Buffington. “A Preshistoric Dog Burial from the Intermediate Period at CA-ORA-1055, Laguna Canyon, Orange County, California.” Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 34, no. 1 (2014). Access through eScholarship.

Seidman, Lila. “Native American Bones to Receive Ceremonial Burial; Forensic Investigators Determine Discovery in Santa Ana Could Be at Least 100 Years Old.” Los Angeles Times. November 16, 2020, sec. California; Part B; Metro Desk. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Playa Vista

Abdollah, Tami. “Finally, the Return of a Sacred Site: Native American Remains Exhumed for Construction of Playa Vista Will Be Reburied.” Los Angeles Times. December 14, 2008, sec. California. Access through ProQuest.

Alex Chadwick. At Playa Vista, a Controversy over Indian Remains. Radio. Day to Day. NPR, 2007. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9940767, archived at https://perma.cc/ABK8-TZR7. Access through LMU.

“Fact Sheet Re: Major Tribal Cemetary Found on Centinela Creek at Playa Vista Construction Site,” February 11, 2004.

Gibson, J. William, and Chester King. “Skeletons in Playa Vista’s Closet.” Los Angeles Times. June 20, 2004, sec. Opinion. Find at your local library. Access through LMU.

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Lin, Sara. “State Decries Removal of Remains: Playa Vista Officials Refuse to Comply with the Heritage Panel’s Request That Excavation Be Halted at Site of an Indian Cemetery.” Los Angeles Times. March 21, 2004, sec. Valley. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Malnic, Eric. “Suit Seeks to Block Playa Vista Development: Santa Monica Officials, Environmentalists and a Tribe Question Report on Project’s Second Phase over Traffic, Wastewater and Indian Burial Sites.” Los Angeles Times. December 19, 2004, sec. California. Access through ProQuest.

Vara-Orta, Francisco. “Putting to Rest Tribal Remains: Hundreds of Human Fragments Unearthed at a Gabrielino-Tongva Burial Site in Playa Vista Will Be Reburied.” Los Angeles Times. March 11, 2008, sec. Orange County. Access through ProQuest.

Walker, Gary. “Agreement Reached to Move Ahead with Reburying of Native American Remains.” Argonaut News, January 30, 2008. https://www.argonautnews.com/news/news-features/agreement-reached-to-move-ahead-with-reburying-of-native-american-remains/article_16676da6-95a8-5862-bd07-e968c46aab7f.html, archived at https://perma.cc/GK7G-4TJE.

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———. “Playa Vista: Native American Tribe Selects New Burial Ground.” Argonaut News, June 18, 2008. https://www.argonautnews.com/news/news-features/playa-vista-native-american-tribe-selects-new-burial-ground/article_2473e433-98b1-595a-9a45-6081088b97f6.html, archived at https://perma.cc/Y8HS-VBPN.

Redondo Beach

“Graves Reveal Strange Rites: Indian Skeletons Studied in Redondo.” Los Angeles Times. November 17, 1932. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

Koerper, Henry C., and Mark Q. Sutton. “Mortuary Remains Recovered in the 1932 Van Bergen Excavation at the Palmer-Redondo Site (CA-LAN-127), Redondo Beach, Los Angeles County.” Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 49, no. 3 & 4 (April 2013): 57–116. http://www.pcas.org/documents/Palmer-Redondoweb.pdf.

San Clemente Island

Lambert, Patricia M. “Health in Prehistoric Populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands.” American Antiquity 58, no. 3 (1993): 509–22. https://doi.org/10.2307/282110. Find at your local library. Access through JSTOR.

Potter, Amiee B., and P. Scott White. “The Mitochondrial DNA Affinities of the Prehistoric People of San Clemente Island: An Analysis of Ancient DNA.” Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 29, no. 2 (January 1, 2009): 163–82. Find at your local library. Access through JSTOR.

Potter, Amiee Bell. “The Genetic Affinities of the Prehistoric People of San Clemente Island, California: An Analysis of Ancient DNA.” Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2004. Find at your local library. Access through ProQuest.

San Nicolas Island

Hawley, Georganna M. “An Analysis of Non-Metric Cranial Traits of a Prehistoric Population from San Nicolas Island, California.” M. A, University of California, Santa Barbara., 2001. Find at your local library.

Santa Catalina Island

Lambert, Patricia M. “Health in Prehistoric Populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands.” American Antiquity 58, no. 3 (1993): 509–22. https://doi.org/10.2307/282110. Find at your local library. Access through JSTOR.

Martinez, Desireé, Wendy Teeter, and Karimah Kennedy-Richardson. “Returning the Tataayiyam Honuuka’ (Ancestors) to the Correct Home: The Importance of Background Investigations for NAGPRA Claims.” Curator 57, no. 2 (April 2014): 199–211. https://doi.org/10.1111/cura.12061. Find at your local library. Access through LMU.

Seal Beach

Mehta, Seema. “Burial Site Discovery Halts Development.” Los Angeles Times. October 1, 2002, sec. California; Metro Desk. Access through ProQuest.

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Yi, Daniel. “Housing Project OKd to Restart: Grading Can Resume after Builder Agrees to Scrap Six Houses in Seal Beach Development to Preserve Part of Native American Burial Site.” Los Angeles Times. August 9, 2003, sec. Orange County. Access through ProQuest.


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